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We exist to further a number of core aims. We are formed exclusively of fellow Cuth’s alumni, and you can get involved with the Association in a variety of ways. You can also help suggest new types of activities to further our aims – we are always up for new ideas.

What are our aims? 

To connect – to provide a platform to connect the alumni of St Cuthbert’s Society with its current students and other former members

To entertain – we arrange, encourage and promote local, national and international events in collaboration with the College’s Alumni Officer

How do we do this?

We do this by organising events and connecting members via our social media pages

We do this by holding a variety of events, including for special occasions and based around location and year groups

How can you help?

You could help by contributing to our website, connecting with us on social media or joining us for our events

You can get involved by joining us or organising your own event in your area

To inform – we keep alumni up to date with St Cuthbert’s Society and University of Durham news in collaboration with college staff

We do this by publishing news on our website and on our social media pages and in the Cuthbert’s Chronicle

You can help us by sharing your knowledge and letting us know what’s important to you as a life-long member of Cuth’s

To support – we support the activities student body of Cuth’s, through fundraising and practical help

We do this by funding the new ‘Ranald Michie Award’ for outstanding contribution to the Society by a fresher, and supporting the military scholarship scheme and by running industry themed events

You can share your news with us by email or on social media

To uphold – we support St Cuthbert’s Society in continuing the College’s ethos and maintaining the reputation of the Society

We do this by publishing research, e.g. into members of Cuth’s who fell during WWI, producing an updated Society History, and producing the 125th anniversary CD of memories

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St Cuthbert's Society Alumni Association

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